
dummy description

H1 header

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

Italic, bold, and monospace.


start with dash -

  • a
  • b
  • c

start with *

  • a
  • b
  • c

Here's an numbered list:

  1. oen
  2. two
  3. three

check or checked list

  • [ ] checkbox
  • [x] checkbox
  • [ ] checkbox

H2 header

Block quotes are written like so.


H3 header

func foo() {
fn main() {
    // fizzbuzz

H4 header

Nested list

  1. First,

    • Hello
    • Bonjour
    • こんにちは
  2. Second

  3. Bye

    Nested contents note

Here's an link.

example mages

Imgur Imgur

H5 header

Tables can look like this:

| Month | Savings | | -------- | ------- | | January | $250 | | February | $80 | | March | $420 |

Table Alignment

| Item | In Stock | Price | | :---------------- | :------: | ----: | | Python Hat | True | 23.99 | | SQL Hat | True | 23.99 | | Codecademy Tee | False | 19.99 | | Codecademy Hoodie | False | 42.99 |

see: https://www.codecademy.com/resources/docs/markdown/tables